
XDR Giving to MEND

MEND – Meet Each Need with Dignity

When XDR Radiology was contacted by MEND, we were happy to oblige and donate equipment & training to help their non-profit organization.MEND, a non-profit organization who help transform the lives of the neediest residents of the San Fernando Valley. Their mission is to break the bonds of poverty by providing basic human needs and a pathway to self-reliance with dignity and respect, powered through their volunteers. MEND gives all members of their community living in poverty the ability to attain self-reliance and contribute to society as caring human beings. MEND is one of the leanest operating non-profit organizations in existence; more than 94% of the support and donations received go directly to client services. MEND is truly a remarkable organization that has done so much good for their community.
MEND Dentist Reviewing Exam with a Patient Volunteer Examining PatientMEND Dentist Preforming Root Canal Treatment